Guy Fawkes for 1832

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Joseph Kenny Meadows
Guy Fawkes for 1832
woodcut and letterpress
126 x 168 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2118
[London] : [printed and published by George Goodger, 169, Strand], [1832]
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Detached from page 4 of The gallery of 140 comicalities, part II. London, George Goodger, 1832.
Printed below image: sixteen lines of a satirical poem, beginning "Remember, remember the fifth of November, / Revolution and ruin! -- what not?" and ending ..."Each tax would be lighter without any mitre -- / What good do they do while alive?"
Printed below title and above image: Come, Grey, keep jogging; its no sinecure to to carry this fellow, though he has been a sinecurist all his life! We've been / long trying to get into office, and I'm blow'd if we havn't our work to do! -- You're right, Harry ; but we'll 'pay him off' / in double quick time when we 'draw him over the coals.' We'll frizzle his old wig in good style; and we must get little / Sug to help us, for he's the deil at frizzling a wig!


Brougham and Grey carry a fat, unconscious (or dead?) bishop with the head of a pig in a sedan chair. A crown of roughly sketched childen watch in the background.
