Political game cocks

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Political game cocks
hand-colored etching
image: 236 x 274 mm; plate mark: 249 x 304 mm; sheet: 266 x 320 mm
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1900.
Peel 2114
London : Pub'd by C. Fitz Gerald Artist's Depository, May 1829
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

Two fighting-cocks face each other: one, multicoloured, with the head of Wellington (left); the other, black, with the head of Eldon. Behind them stand John Bull between a Scot (Sandy or Sawney) and Pat. Beside each bird lies a paper: "Catholic Emancipation Bill 1829" and "Petition against the Catholic Emancipation". Sandy, neatly clad, without national dress except for a plaid tam-o'-shanter, stands with folded arms looking down at Wellington. He says: "Fight it out! my braw bonny Cocks! it will do ye baith muckle gude, by taking the bad blood awa', & making ye better friends than ever." Pat (right), who is ragged, stands behind Eldon; he holds John Bull's arm, saying, "See John how the Old Black un heys im, by my faith I fear he'll be too much for t'other yet." Bull, in his shirt-sleeves, with a short pipe thrust in his hat: "I have no doubt the Old Cock will do his best but look at his age, & mind Pat, he has a rum customer to deal with wot never lost a battle."
