4 engraved plates, unpaginated, included before title page and books two (p. 143), three (p. 209), and four (p. 489).
First plate, "De l'Imitation de Iesvs Christ" signed "Baugin delin.," illegible statement at right, and "A Paris Chez Charles Saureux Avec Privil. et Approb."
Second plate, "L'Espritentend les cris que luy mesme a formés" signed "Champagne Pi.," "K. Audran fe.," and "Saureux."
Third plate, "Ce feu descend du ciel et remonte a sa source" signed "Baugin del. ... K. Audran fecit ... Ch. Saureux."
Fourth plate, "Imite cet agneau si tu veux tennourir. S. Aug." signed "Baugin delin. ... K. Audran fe." and "C. Saureux excudit cum Privil. Regis."
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
De l'imitation de Jesus-Christ. Traduction nouvelle. Par le Sieur de Beüil, prieur de Saint Val.
Accession number:
PML 6164
Uniform title:
Imitatio Christi. French.
Purchased by Pierpont Morgan, 1905.
618 pages : illustrations (4 engraved plates) ; 20 cm (8vo)
Contemporary French red morocco, with gilt marriage armorial of Mary of Modena and her eagle emblem.
Mary of Modena, armorial binding; Dijon, Visitandines, inscription: "Ce livre est de M.tire de la Visitation Ste Marie de Dijon," with a likely related inscription but in a different hand: "a soeur Rosalie Nicolle," 18th/19th century (front endleaf recto); Pierpont Morgan, purchased with the English Royal bindings collection from J. Pearson & Co., 1905.
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