Lacks title leaf.
There were copies of the same text and colophon (?) with variant title pages; those destined to be sold in Caen read at the bottom: "On les vent à Caen chez Michel angier libraire demourant deuant les gra[n]s escoles" and those retained for sale in the city of its origin read: "On les vent Rouen chez Raulin gaultier libraire demourant en la rue portart pres lenseigne du ftardel."
These Ordinances often form part of "Le Coutumier de Normandie", but as there was no "Coutumier" issued in 1519 this becomes one of the unusual separate printings of the Ordinances.
Title supplied from BNF Reserve F.2329 and Frere II, 353.
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Plan your visit. 225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street, New York, NY 10016.
Ordonnances royaulx : le recueil des ordo[n]nances faictes par les roys, ducz, co[n]tes, baro[n]s [et] sages de la duche de Norme[n]die, depuys les premieres coustumes dud' pays et duche : lesquelles o[r]donnances ont este accumulees et assamblees de an en an ainsi q[ue]lles ont este establies.
Accession number:
PML 33882
Rouen : Pour Raulin Gaultier et Michel Angier de Caen, 1519.
156 leaves.
Light brown limp calf, French 16th century by Jehan des Jore, in brown paper case by Duprez Lahey, 1938.
From the George Dunn collection (sale cat., Third and Final Portion, Nov. 22-26, 1917, no. 3527).
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