James Fuld Collection

[Program for the 2nd Gesellschafts-Concert at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Vienna), on Sunday, 16 December 1877, including the first performance of Anton Bruckner's Symphony no. 3, conducted by the composer].

[Vienna] : Selbstverlag der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, [1877]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the 2nd subscription concert of the Philharmonische Concerte in the Grosser Saal of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Vienna), on Sunday, 2 December 1883, including the first performance of Johannes Brahms's Symphony no. 3 (members of the Hofopern-Orchester conducted by Hans Richter)].

[Vienna : S.n., 1883]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the 3rd Gesellschafts-Concert at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Vienna), on Sunday, 20 February 1876, including the first performance of Anton Bruckner's Symphony no. 2, conducted by the composer].

[Vienna] : Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, [1876]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the 4th Gesellschafts-Konzert in the Grosser Saal of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Vienna), on Sunday, March 5, 1871, including the first complete performance of Brahms's Deutsches Requiem conducted by the composer].

[Vienna] : Verlag der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, [1871]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the 4th Philharmonisches Concert at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Vienna), on Sunday, 18 December 1892, the first performance of the second version of Anton Bruckner's Symphony no. 8, conducted by Hans Richter].

[Vienna : S.n., 1877]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the 4th subscription concert of the Philharmonische Concerte in the Grosser Saal of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Vienna), on Sunday, 30 December 1877, including the first performance of Johannes Brahms's Symphony no. 2 (members of the Hofopern-Orchester conducted by Hans Richter)].

[Vienna : S.n., 1877]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the 6th subscription concert of the Philharmonische Concerte in the Grosser Saal of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (Vienna), on Sunday, 24 February 1901, at which Gustav Mahler conducted Bruckner's Symphony no. 5].

Vienna : Stern & Steiner, [1901]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the 7th Sinfonie-Konzerte der Konigl. musikalischen Kapelle (Dresden), on Sunday, 9 April 1911, conducted by Ernst v. Schuch, at which Ernő Dohnányi played Beethoven's Second Piano Concerto].

Dresden : Druck und Verlag von C. C. Meinhold & Söhne, [1911]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the 8th and 9th subscription concerts of the 28th season of the Concerts Ysaÿe, on 19 and 20 May 1923, at the Salle du Conservatoire Royal de Musique (Brussels), conducted by Eugène Ysaÿe, at which Alfred Cortot appeared as piano soloist)].

[S.l : s.n., 1923]
Music Collection: 

[Program for the Alhambra : performances commencing ... Jan. 17, 1916].

[New York : s.n., 1916]
Music Collection: