[Program for the 7th Sinfonie-Konzerte der Konigl. musikalischen Kapelle (Dresden), on Sunday, 9 April 1911, conducted by Ernst v. Schuch, at which Ernő Dohnányi played Beethoven's Second Piano Concerto].

Record ID: 
[Program for the 7th Sinfonie-Konzerte der Konigl. musikalischen Kapelle (Dresden), on Sunday, 9 April 1911, conducted by Ernst v. Schuch, at which Ernő Dohnányi played Beethoven's Second Piano Concerto].
Dresden : Druck und Verlag von C. C. Meinhold & Söhne, [1911]

The other works on the all-Beethoven program were the Feierlicher Marsch from Die Ruinen von Athen and the Ninth Symphony.

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