Gilbert and Sullivan Collection

Large photograph of Patience.

GSC 101496

Large photograph of Patience.

GSC 101497

Large photograph of the H. M. S. Pinafore.

GSC 101395

Large photograph of the Iolanthe.

GSC 101756

Le domino noir = Il domino nero : opera in three acts / by Auber ; with Italian and English words, the latter by Charles L. Kenney ; edited by Arthur Sullivan and J. Pittman.

Auber, D. F. E. (Daniel François Esprit), 1782-1871.
Domino noir. Vocal score. English & Italian
London ; New York : Boosey, [187-?]
GSC 102689

Le nozze di Figaro : opera in four acts / by Mozart ; with Italian words and a new English adaptation by Charles Lamb Kenney ; edited by Arthur Sullivan and J. Pittman.

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-1791.
Nozze di Figaro. Vocal score. English & Italian
London ; New York : Boosey, [187-?]
GSC 102705

Lead, kindly light / the words by John Henry Newman ; music by Arthur Sullivan.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
Sacred partsongs (1871). Lead, kindly light
London ; New York : Boosey, [1871?]

Leeds Musical Festival, 1883-1907.


Leipzig diary : autograph manuscript, 1858.

Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900.
GSC 111740

Les brigands : opéra-bouffe en 3 actes / paroles de Henri Meilhac et Ludovic Halévy ; musique de J. Offenbach ; réduite pour le piano par Léon Roques.

Offenbach, Jacques, 1819-1880.
Brigands. Vocal score
Paris : Colombier, [1869?]