"Modos fecit Daniel Megel"--leaf 11 verso.
Checklist: "H 13882." "[Pr] 7781."
Contains single-voice choruses, composed by Daniel Megel, at the end of each of the four acts.
ISTC date: [not before 1 May] 1498.
ISTC title: Scenica progymnasmata. Prelim: Sebastian Brant: Disticha elegiaca; Johann Bergmann: Epistola ad Johannem Dalbergensem. Add: Jacobus Dracontius: Carmen; Adam Wernerius; Carmen.
Printer's dedication to Johann von Dalburg: leaf [1], verso; poem by Jacobus Dracontius on Reuchlin and a verse by Adam Wernher to Joh. Richartzhusen: leaves 8-9.
See also Brant, Sebastian. Varia carmina (Voyager bib id 133842).
Ludicra preexercitamenta