Case bindings (Binding)

Cato: Disticha de moribus.

Imprime a Paris : par maistre Pierre Le Dru, [approximately 1499]
PML 75097

Consiglio contro la pestilenza.

Ficino, Marsilio, 1433-1499.
Florence : Apud Sanctum Jacobum de Ripoli, [not before Aug.] 1481.
PML 55170

Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolphi.

[Strasbourg : Printer of Henricus Ariminensis (Georg Reyser?), about 1480]; [Speyer : Johann and Conrad Hist, about 1484]; [Georgius de Spira]
PML 25320

Dialogus Salomonis et Marcolphi.

[Deventer : Jacobus de Breda, between 16 Nov. 1492 and 7 Aug. 1496]
PML 79149

Epistolae pulcherrimae. Add: Bernardus Claravallensis: Epistola ad Senonsem episcopum; Epistola ad parentes Gaufredi de Perrona.

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Venice : Bernardinus Benalius, 23 June 1494.
PML 359

Le livre de Jehan bocasse de la louenge et vertu nobles et cleres dames tra[n]slate [et] i[m]prime novelleme[n]t a paris.

Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1313-1375.
Imprime a Paris : par Anthoine Verard, xxviii. iour davril mil quatre cens quatre vingtz et treize [28 April 1493]
PML 504

Sacerdotium Jesu Christi. De oratione.

Augsburg : Johann Froschauer, 1499.
PML 170

Scenica progymnasmata : hoc est ludicra preexercitamenta / Ioannis Reuchlin Phorcensis.

Reuchlin, Johann, 1455-1522.
[Basel] : Johannes Bergmann, de Olpe, [1498]
PML 75076

[Epistolae et Evangelia].

[Venice, Italy] : M.B.F. and B.D.P., 20 July 1474.
PML 75836

[Summa universae theologiae (Pars III)].

Alexander, of Hales, approximately 1185-1245.
Venice : Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 1475.
PML 19607