Paste papers (Binding)

Speculum vitae humanae.

Sánchez de Arévalo, Rodrigo, 1404-1470.
Paris : Ulrich Gering, Martin Crantz and Michael Friburger, 1 Aug. 1475.
PML 487

Spritualis vitae compendiosa regula.

Cherubino, da Siena, frate, -1484.
Impressa in la citade di Ferrara : [Printer of Datus, 'Elegantiolae' (H 5994)(Statius Gallicus)], nel Anno MccccLxxxi del mese di Agosto [August 1481].
PML 28453

Stabilimentorum Rhodioru[m] Militu[m].

Caoursin, Guillaume, -1501.
Ulm : Johann Reger, 23 August 1496.
PML 204

Super feudis.

Alvarotti, Jacopo, 1385-1453.
Venetiis : [Printer of the 1477 Alvarotus], Millesimo q[ua]dringe[n]tesimo septuagesimo septimo ... duodecimo nouembris [12 November 1477].
PML 24551

Su[m]ma de casib[us].

Astesano, -1330?
Venice : Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 18 March 1478.
PML 20492

T. Livii decades.

Venetiis : per Philippum Pincium Mantuanum [for Lucantonio Giunta], M.ccccxcy. iii. nonas novembris [3 November 1495].
PML 20981

This present boke sheweth the manere of hawkynge [and] huntynge: and also of diuysynge of cote armours. It shewyth also a good matere belongynge to horses: wyth other co[m]mendable treatyses. And ferdermore of the blasynge of armys: as here after it maye appere.

Berners, Juliana, 1388?-
Enprynted at Westmestre : by Wynkyn the Worde, M.CCCC.lxxxxvi [1496].
PML 732

Tusculanarum quaestionum.

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Venetiis : [Antonius de Strata, de Cremona], Anno .M.cccc.lxxxxi. mensis dece[m]bris die quinta [5 December 1491].
PML 3826

Vita et Fabulae [Greek]. Ed: Gabriel Bracius.

[Venice : Bartholomaeus Pelusius, Gabriel Bracius de Brisighella, Johannes Bissolus and Benedictus Mangius, about 1498]
PML 42592

Vitas pontificum.

Platina, 1421-1481.
[Venice] : Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 11 June 1479.
PML 16360