Title from half-title page, leaf a1v.
Imprint from colophon, leaf ²d7r: Here in this boke afore ben shewed the treatyses perteynynge to hawkynge [and] huntynge with other dyuers playsaunt materes belongynge vnto noblesse: and also a ryght noble treatise of Cotarmours as in this present boke it may appere. And here we wnde this laste treatyse whyche specyfyeth of blasynge of armys. Enprynted at westmestre by wynkyn the worde the yere of thyncarnac[i]on of our lorde .M.CCCC.lxxxxvi.
Printed in De Worde's type 7:103G.
Signatures, in two parts: 1) a-e⁶ f-g⁴ h⁶ i⁴; 2) ²a-c⁶ d⁸: 74 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
Some text, initials, coats of arms, and printer's mark printed in red.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 27.4 x 18.7 cm.
PML copy with woodcuts (leaf a1) inlaid and repairs to some margins.
Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry.
Hand decoration: Rubrication not required. Some coats of arms and English royal armorial (leaf ²d8r) colored by hand with pale yellow or purplish wash. Annotations: Contemporary manuscript headlines in Hawking. Pentrials and inscriptions, including an unidentified medical remedy "For the vray(?) / Take prespyre [???] yt on a trenschoure [i.e. trencher] / And Wynd yt yn a morsell off mete [and] geve / To [th]e [?] hav hem [th]e mornyng" (leaf ²d8v). 17th-century Latin notations in secretary hand on Juliana Berners from Scriptoribus Britannicus (tipped to rear endleaf 1 recto, preserved from previous binding).