811K The Connie Lekas School
My book is about springtime in New York. I choose spring because it’s my favorite season. I look forward to bright sunny skies, beautiful vibrant flowers and a warm breeze. Using the 22 karat gold leaf, I tried to imitate that vision as best I could.
Tools helped me make my book perfect. I drew and painted the flowers then painted the entire background yellow and really enjoyed the process.
I was inspired by listening to some Spring music and seeing colorful flowers. I felt joyful while making my book and felt happy as can be when I finished.
I learned a lot while researching about when and how was Spring invented. This was something I never thought I would do and when I looked at it after I was finished it was as perfect as I wanted it to be. The Morgan Book Project will influence me to do more research when I’m creating my own books. It also helped me improve my handwriting and painting skills .
My favorite parts were drawing and painting the flowers, painting the background cover yellow, and doing research about my favorite season.