11X544 High School for Contemporary Arts
My book is about my Dad’s job and his cooking. When I was sketching out my first ideas, from the beginning I wanted to include a full restaurant scene and my dad's love for cooking, since at the time he was cooking quite a lot. I liked having a certain amount of colors and having to strategize ways to make things look well together. I loved stepping back at the end of the period and seeing the progress made.
My Dad's cooking inspired me. When I first started I knew I wanted to create a book about my family and when I couldn’t figure out how, I turned to the thing that usually brought us all together, food. I wanted to show how hardworking my Dad is, and how important he is to me and my family. I learned many things creating this book. Beforehand I had little to no experience with working with such materials. I didn’t really have a clear image of what I wanted it to look like in the end but I wanted certain things to be present, and I believe I did succeed in that. Thanks to this book my watercolor skills have significantly improved, along with my patience. My favorite part of my book has to be the first page in which I painted many trees and polaroids floating around in the wind, signifying memories.