James Siena

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James Siena
Masturbating Figures
Silverpoint on paper.
5 7/8 x 7 7/8 inches (14.9 x 20 cm)
Gift of John Yau and Eve Aschheim.

Siena's intricate work spans painting, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture, and follows a strict formal logic that he characterizes as "visual algorithms." He utilizes mathematical precision in generating repetitive patterns and organizing linear structures that create mesmerizing visual complexity. This sheet, created through the use of silverpoint, which makes very fine lines, introduces figurative forms, suggested by biomorphic curves and clearly delineated hands and feet. The composition is divided in two; the left side features undulating lines with sharp corners, while the form on the right has softer edges that snake around the sheet. The title of the work clarifies its erotic subject matter.

John Yau and Eve Aschheim, from whom acquired by the Morgan.
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