This double-sided sheet, and a second in the Morgan's collection (inv. 2021.4:2), by Claude Gillot are rare examples of his work as a designer of arabesques and costumes. The arabesques (on the verso of both drawings), executed in the artist's preferred combination of black ink and red wash, are on the same scale as the large cache of designs by the artist in Berlin's Kunstbibliothek. The costume designs (on the recto of both sheets), drawn using point of the brush and gray wash, are comparable with Gillot's work in the same technique for a small group of theatrical drawings.
The costume studies of dancers on the rectos of both sheets are rare in Gillot's oeuvre, although examples of such costume sheets with figures in two rows can be found on drawings in the Ecole des beaux-arts, Paris (inv. MA2541), and the Musée des beaux-arts, Dijon (inv. Alb. TH 18 f⁰ 104). The figures' raised arms and trailing sleeves indicate that they were characters singing and dancing. Comparable costumed figures appear on more finished sheets of costume studies from an album that surfaced in 2004. The female costumes are also close to those found in two compositional studies by Gillot, representing a scene that may be set at the Fair at Bezons; one is in the Harvard Art Museums (Inv. No. 1991.240), and the other at the Städel Museum, Frankfurt (inv. No 16349).
The verso of this sheet contains designs for sorcery-themed arabesques and presents several decorative combinations and details. The central motifs depict two genies supporting a basin underneath umbrellas, with a female bust at the center within a garlanded trellis, surmounted by a figure in theatrical costume sitting cross legged on a pillow, perhaps holding a wand. To the right are small sketches of a dancer dressed as a sorcerer, and a decorative motif with a genie, as well as an arresting sketch of a wigged man looking over his shoulder from behind a ledge. The theme of sorcery and costumes for sorcerers appear elsewhere in Gillot's drawings for the theatre.