Hubert François Gravelot

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Hubert François Gravelot
Otez vous de mes yeux. Vous m'avez rendu le plus miserable des hommes
ca. 1767
Pen and black ink over graphite, on paper; incised with the stylus.
5 5/8 x 3 5/16 inches (143 x 84 mm)
Gift of John F. Fleming.

Gravelot's design is preparatory for an engraved frontispiece to Act III of Beaumarchais' five-act play “Eugénie” (Paris : Merlin, 1767). Eugénie is shown attempting to embrace her father the Baron, who stands distraught with his arms raised; behind them stands the concerned figure of Madame Murer. The engraving after the drawing was executed by Antoine-Jean Duclos (1742-1795).


Drawing captioned "Otez vous de mes yeux. / Vous m'avez rendu le plus miserable des hommes" and signed at bottom "H. Gravelot inven."

Marie-Joseph-Colombe-Henri-Denis Beccaria de Pavie, Marquis de Fourquevaux (1762-1841), Fourquevaux, France; Emmanuel Bocher (1835-1919), Paris; Léon Olry-Roederer (1869-1932), Paris; A.S.W. Rosenbach (1876-1952), Philadelphia; John Fleming (1910-1987), New York.
Associated names: 

Fourquevaux, Joseph de Beccarie de Pavie, marquis de, 1762-1841, former owner.
Bocher, Emmanuel, 1835-1919, former owner.
Olry-Roederer, Léon, 1869-1932, former owner.
Rosenbach, A. S. W. (Abraham Simon Wolf), 1876-1952, former owner.
Fleming, John F. (John Francis), 1910-1987, former owner.


Kraemer, Ruth S. "Drawings by Gravelot in the Morgan Library." Master drawings, XX (Spring 1982), p. 10, no. 20, reproduced plate 8b.
