Gravelot's design is for an engraved frontispiece illustration to Abbé Parmentier's "Lettre de Caton d'Utique à César" (Paris : 1766). Cato is shown seated at a table, gazing at the allegorical female figure of Rome in front of him. Along with a second sheet in the Morgan's collection (Acc. No. 1963.13:7), the design was engraved by Marin Fessard le Jeune (active 1766-1787).
Fourquevaux, Joseph de Beccarie de Pavie, marquis de, 1762-1841, former owner.
Bocher, Emmanuel, 1835-1919, former owner.
Olry-Roederer, Léon, 1869-1932, former owner.
Rosenbach, A. S. W. (Abraham Simon Wolf), 1876-1952, former owner.
Fleming, John F. (John Francis), 1910-1987, former owner.
Kraemer, Ruth S. "Drawings by Gravelot in the Morgan Library." Master drawings, XX (Spring 1982), p. 9, no. 18.