Title from item.
Full caption reads: Just then he caught sight of Tyltyl and began to shout like mad: "A thief! a thief! a thief! .... what are you doing here?" Tyltyl II.
Original drawing by E.J. Sullivan, evidently for an illustration for an unidentified edition of Maurice Maeterlinck's Tyltyl : being the story of Maurice Maeterlinck's play, "The betrothal," told for children.
Signed and dated at lower right, "Edmund J. Sullivan. 1920; at foot, "Just then he caught sight of Tyltyl and began to shout like mad: "A thief! a thief! a thief! .... what are you doing here?" Tyltyl II."
Drawing shows the Miser's cave, with gold littering the floor, where the Miser confronts Tytyl with wild eyed alarm.