Caption continues: ... Jim.-"Why yer see, Bill-jist as I'd laid out my garding-built my summer 'ouse-and got all my traps about me-blow'd if the Great Diddlesex Junction aint a comin' right through my property. It's enough to break von's 'art"
Original drawing for no. VII of a series of 12 illustrations entitled "Railway miseries," which appeared in "Punch's almanack for 1846," published in: Punch, vol. 10, Jan.-June, 1846.
Drawing shows a couple in a donkey cart stopping to address a man leaning over the wall of a shabby dwelling; a sign over the door reads "James Guffin original chimberly sweep," and in the foreground two grubby children pull a third in a washtub.
Ray, Gordon Norton, 1915-1986, former owner.
The illustrator and the book in England from 1790 to 1914 / Gordon N. Ray. New York ; London : Oxford Univ. Pr., 1976, p. 85.