Unidentified collector's mark at lower right corner.
Very little is known of seventeenth-century artist Eugenio Pini, except that he was born in Udine in 1600 and painted in Udine, Gemona del Friuli, and Palmanova in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region of Italy. According to Luigi Lanzi, his finest productions were "The Repose of Egypt" in the dome of Palma and his "San Antonio" in Gemona del Friuli (Luigi Lanzi, The History of Painting in Italy from the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century: The schools of Naples, Venice, Lombardy, Mantua, Modena, Parma, Cremona, and Milan, trans. by Thomas Roscoe. vol. 2. London, 1853. p. 259). This drawing bears an inscription at the lower margin in pen and brown ink that reads, "Eugenio Pin Udinese." On the verso of the drawing, a later hand has revised the inscription to read "Eugenio Pini. . ."
Inscribed at bottom center in pen and brown ink, "Eugenio Pin Udinese"; inscribed on verso, in pen and brown ink, "Eugenio Pini (not Pin) / of Udinese was born at the / beginning of the 17th century".
McCrindle, Joseph F., former owner.