This large-scale sheet depicts various figures that Lomi likely sketched from life in his studio. The figure at left holding a column could be a study for a similar figure in his Pisa Duomo Adoration. The nun depicted at right is probably a study for several nuns represented in Lomi's Madonna della cintola painted for the Chiesa di San Niccola in Pisa. The use of cross-hatching, loose lines and the visable interest in capturing the movement of figures and hands is characteristic of Lomi's work.
Watermark: Eagle in circle, surmounted by crown.
Gordon, Margot, former owner.
Gordon, C. Leonard, former owner.
L. Turčić and M. Newcome, "Drawings by Aurelio Lomi" Paragone 42/499 (1991): 46, no. 32.
Mario di Giampaolo, "Aurelio Lomi disegnatore" in Disegni genovesi dal Cinquecento al Settecento: giornate di studio, 9-10 maggio 1989 (Florence: Ed. Medicea, 1992): 57-63, p. 59, fig. 15.
Maria Clelia Galassi, "Su alcuni monocromi di Aurelio Lomi: finalità e tipologie" Studi di storia delle arti, 9 (1997): 80-95, p. 84, fig. 4.