Watermark: none visible through lining, which bears fragment of eagle(?).
Preparatory drawing for Georg Braun and Franz Hogenberg, "Civitates Orbis Terrarum", Cologne, 1572-1618, V (published 1597), no. 56.
Inscribed by the artist, in brown ink, at upper center, "OWAR germanicé NIEVHVISEL"; in key at upper right, "A. Hern Palfy behaʼussuʼng (Herr Palffy's residence) / B. Tʼurische gefencknussenn (Turkish prisons) / C. Catolische Kirch (Catholic Church) / D. C ʼaluinische Ungerische Kirch (Calvinist Hungarian Church) / E. Lutrenische Teutsche Kirch (German Lutheran Church) / F. Hütrey Zug Vich (cattle corral) / G. Turkische Köpff (Turkish heads) / H. muele (mill) / I. der Weg auff Nonygradt (the road to Nonygradt) / K. der weg auff Graann (the road to Gran)". Inscribed below the design, at lower left, probably in the hand of Georg Hoefnagel, "Commúnicaúit G. Houfnaglius. depict: a filio: A.o ["o" superscript] 1595". On verso, bookplate of Philip Hofer and inscribed in his hand, in graphite, "Jacob Hoefnagel (Flemish) drawing (sent to his father ... 1595 / for Braun & Hogenberg's 5 vol. 'Civitates Orbus Terrarium' Vol V £56 / "Ersekujvar" / "Nieuheusel" is a small town (fort) in Western Hungary on the Neutra River. / P.H. does not have (or ever had) this 5 vol. work: Only the Urbium ... Totius / Munde 1 vol. 1617 (Germany) Typ. 41 H-563F. / This drawing from the Lichtenstein Colln. / Bot of H. P. Kraus NYC for $EUD [$520]-net".
Lichtenstein, Princes, former owner.
Hofer, Philip, 1898-1984, former owner.
Stampfle, Felice, with the assistance of Ruth S. Kraemer and Jane Shoaf Turner. Netherlandish Drawings of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries and Flemish Drawings of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries in the Pierpont Morgan Library. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1991, p. 45, no. 75, repr.
Ryskamp, Charles, ed. Eighteenth Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1975-1977. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1978, p. 243, 268-69.