This slight and inexpert drawing bears a stamp with the artist's initials in blue ink at lower right. This stamp was among the few types the executor Gustave Cahen affixed to 150 drawings from the artist's studio sold on 20-21 March 1899. As the database for collectors' marks maintained by the Fondation Custodia, Paris, notes, "The forged E.B stamp mentioned in note L.828 had been reported to Frits Lugt on a small pastel in 1955, without further details (Fondation Custodia archives)." The mark on the present sheet, which belonged to Alice Tully though it is unknown where she acquired it, appears to be the same as the false mark L. 828. The false mark and the poor quality of the sheet suggest that this drawing was made in imitation of Boudin's swift watercolors of the sea along the coast in Normandy.
Signed in blue ink at lower right, "E. B."
Tully, Alice, 1902-1993, former owner.