Italian School

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Italian School
16th century
Christ Among the Doctors. Verso: Wedding at Cana
Pen and brown ink and wash, on blue paper; verso: pen and brown ink.
7 1/4 x 11 3/4 inches (184 x 297 mm)
Gift of Janos Scholz.

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The drawing bears an old attribution to Tintoretto, which is surely incorrect. Attributions to Andrea Michieli il Vicentino, Aliense and Alessandro Maganza have been proposed.


Watermark: none.
The drawing bears an old attribution to Tintoretto which is surely incorrect. Attributions to Andrea Michieli, called il Vicentino; Antonio Vassilacchi, called Aliense; and Alessandro Maganza have been proposed. A drawing probably by the same hand, catalogued simply as "Italian School," was sold at Christie's, London, 8 December 2020, lot 27.


Old inscription on old mount, now lost, "Tintoretto" (according to Janos Scholz records).

Moscardo Collection, Verona (according to Janos Scholz records); which passed to Marquis de Calceolari (according to Scholz records; no mark; see under Lugt S. 2990a-g); possibly Count Lodovico Moscardo (1611-1681), Verona; by descent to Teresa Moscardo Miniscalchi, Verona; Luigi Miniscalchi Erizzo; Count Mario Miniscalchi-Erizzo (1881-1957), until 1905; Mario Uzielli (1888-1973), Liestal, Switzerland; Janos Scholz (1903-1993), New York (no mark; Lugt S. 2933b).
Associated names: 

Tintoretto, 1518-1594, Formerly attributed to.
Vassilacchi, Antonio, 1556-1629, Possible attribution.
Michieli, Andrea, approximately 1542-approximately 1617, Possible attribution.
Maganza, Alessandro, 1556-approximately 1630, Possible attributio

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