The figure drawing at upper right of this sheet is by an unidentified member of Piranesi's workshop in his latest years; Morgan drawing 1966.11:117 is by the same hand. The rough sketches of figures and ornamental objects (made with the sheet turned 180 degrees) is one of a group of related late drawings by Piranesi himself -- see also 1966.11:116 and 1966.11:119 -- the function of which is unclear; they do not relate any of his printed work.
On same mat as 1966.11:117.
Inscribed at lower right, in pen and brown ink, "Plani..."; numbered at upper right, in graphite, "33".
Morgan, Jane Norton, 1868-1925, former owner.
Morgan, Junius Spencer, 1892-1960, former owner.
Morgan, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1900-1982, former owner.
Stampfle, Felice. Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Drawings in the Pierpont Morgan Library. New York : Dover, 1978, no. 118, repr.