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Formerly attributed to Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Ground Plan of Farnese Palace. Verso: Measured grid for another ground plan?
Pen and brown ink, with gray wash, over black chalk, on paper; framing lines in pen and brown ink; verso: black chalk.
8 3/4 x 12 13/16 inches (222 x 325 mm)
Bequest of Junius S. Morgan and gift of Henry S. Morgan.
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Traditionally attributed to Piranesi because part of the large group of his drawings that came to the Morgan together, this is surely not by him. It is not clear why this and the related sheet - 1966.11:48 - were part of that original Piranesi collection, as they are not even typical of drawings by Piranesi's workshop assistants.
Mrs. J. P. Morgan, New York; by descent to her sons Junius S. Morgan, Princeton and Paris (no mark, see Lugt 1536) and Henry S. Morgan, New York.
Associated names:
Morgan, Jane Norton, 1868-1925, former owner.
Morgan, Junius Spencer, 1892-1960, former owner.
Morgan, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1900-1982, former owner.
Stampfle, Felice. Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Drawings in the Pierpont Morgan Library. New York : Dover, 1978, no. 49, repr.
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