The drawing entered the collection as by Giulio Romano, though it is certainly not by him. The coarse draftsmanship suggests that it is a copy, possibly of a façade fresco such as those painted by Polidoro da Caravaggio (ca. 1499-ca. 1543), since the figures are seen di sotto in sù.
The drawing entered the collection as by Giulio Romano (ca. 1499-1546).
Inscribed at upper right in pen and brown ink (cropped); on circular label pasted over red ink onto recto, in pen and brown ink, "No 60 / Inventar / 14; "on verso, at top, in pen and brown ink, "...di 10 giugno 1664 /...francesco gosep iervrtughe(?) consamatiam fecit / 94" [CONSERVATION LAB to look at]
Watermark: Letters "LC" over fragment of shield.
Anonymous, Italian School, 17th cent., Formerly attributed to.
Romano, Giulio, 1499-1546, Formerly attributed to.
Munguia, Gilberto, former owner.
Munguia, Gilberto, Mrs., former owner.