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Italian School
17th century
Study of a Saint in Ecstasy
Black chalk, white chalk, on blue paper, altered to brown.
12 x 9 1/8 inches (305 x 232 mm)
Gift of Janos Scholz.
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Formerly attributed to Giuseppe Maria Roli, 1645-1727.
Inscribed on verso near upper center in pen and brown ink by Maggiori, "Dipinto in un angolo della / Cupola di S. Bartolomeo / di Bologna // Io Aless. Maggiori comprai in Bolo / gna il di 4 di Mag. del / 1794"; also inscribed on verso right of center, cancelled.
Watermark: Crown inside circle.
Unidentified collector PGB (Lugt S. 2079b); unidentified collector CA (Lugt S. 486b); Alessandro Maggiori, Faenza and Rome (Lugt S. 3005b); acquired in Milan in 1950 by Janos Scholz, New York (see Lugt S. 2933b).
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Associated names:
Roli, Giuseppe Maria, 1645-1727, Formerly attributed to.
Maggiori, Alessandro, 1764-1834, former owner.
Scholz, János, former owner.
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