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Bernardino Lanino
ca. 1512-1583
Founding of a Church (Episode from Life of S. Gaudenzio, Bishop of Novara ?)
Brown wash, with white opaque watercolor, over black chalk, on varigated blue paper; figural part of composition prepared for squaring with black chalk and pricked with holes placed a) horizontally, about one-third from top, b) along lower part of right and left edges, and c) along lower edge of composition.
20 7/8 x 13 1/4 inches (530 x 336 mm)
Gift of Janos Scholz.
Watermark: none visible through lining.
Formerly attributed to Gaudenzio Ferrari, Valduggia near Vercelli 1475-80-1546 Milan.
Inscribed with a mathematical computation at upper right in pen and brown ink.
Dukes of Savoy, Aosta, Turin (no mark; see Lugt S. 47a); Abrate collection, Turin; Janos Scholz, New York (no mark; see Lugt S. 2933b).
Associated names:
Ferrari, Gaudenzio, approximately 1470-1546, Formerly attributed to.
Savoy, Dukes of, former owner.
Abrate, former owner.
Scholz, János, former owner.
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