Watermark: Trefoil below and initials "PA" on vertical stick. Watermark, beta radiograph. "PA"", trefoil on vertical bar. 141133wm_1975_4_CM_beta.jpeg
Related to painting of c. 1645, formerly in the Costantino Nigro Collection, Genoa.
Inscribed in pen and brown ink at lower left, "castiglion".
Moscardo family, former owner.
Calceolari, marquis de, former owner.
Miniscalchi, former owner.
Scholz, János, former owner.
Ryskamp, Charles, ed. Eighteenth Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1975-1977. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1978, p. 256.
Alfred Moir, ed. Drawings by Seventeenth Century Italian Masters from the Collection of János Scholz. Santa Barbara : Art Galleries, University of California, 1974, p. 27, repr.