A second signed drawing by this otherwise unknown draughtsman, another "View of the Castle of Muiden", was on the Utrecht art market in 1936.
Signed at lower right, in black ink, "H: Schepper Fec". Inscribed on the verso, at upper left, in graphite, "behort aent collegie".
Watermark: Fleur-de-lis in shield, surmounted by crown, over "4" and letters "WR", (Strasbourg lily).
Murray, Charles Fairfax, 1849-1919, former owner.
Morgan, John Pierpont, 1837-1913, former owner.
Collection J. Pierpont Morgan : Drawings by the Old Masters Formed by C. Fairfax Murray. London : Privately printed, 1905-1912, III, 245, repr.