Watermark: none.
Design for scenery in Act I of Ben Jonson's masque "Time Vindicated to Himself and His Honours", performed 19 January 1623.
Inscribed at upper left in pen and brown ink, "Whitehall Gate"; at upper center, "Banquet House"; at lower center, "(?)0" and "20".
Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637.
Wrightsman, Jayne, donor.
John Harris, "A Prospect of Whitehall by Inigo Jones," Burlington Magazine, CIX, 1967, 79-81, repr.
Stephen Orgel and Roy Strong, "Inigo Jones: The Theatre of a Stuart Court," I, London, Berkeley, and Los Angeles, 1973, 30, 31, 40, 354, no. 122, repr.
London, The Banqueting House, Whitehall, "The King's Arcadia: Inigo Jones and the Stuart Court," exh. cat. by John Harris, Stephen Orgel, and Roy Strong, 1973, no. 235, repr. (not exhibited).
Christopher Hibbert, "London, the Biography of a City," London, 1977, 58, repr.
Ryskamp, Charles, ed. Twenty-First Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1984-1986. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1989, p. 353.
From Leonardo to Pollock: Master drawings from the Morgan Library. New York: Morgan Library, 2006, cat. no. 57, p. 122-123.