Watermark: none visible through lining.
Inscribed on back of lining, in pen and brown ink, "Melrose Abbey / on the Tweed".
Heugh, John, former owner.
Worthington, James, former owner.
Mellon, Paul, donor.
Ryskamp, Charles, ed. Nineteenth Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1978-1980. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1981, p. 195.
Exhibition of Drawings of Architectural Subjects by Deceased British Aritsts, Burlington Fine Arts Club, London, 1884, no. 169 (as Turner).
Sir Walter Armstrong, Turner, London-New York, 1902, 266 (as Turner).
English Watercolor Drawings, Spink and Son Ltd., London, 1978, no. 8, repr.
Wiles, Stephanie. To Observe and Imagine : British Drawings, 1600-1900. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1998, no. 44.