Album of twenty-four leaves with eighty-three sketches (sixty-three after the antique and twenty landscapes), and nineteen tracings (attributed to David's studio), mounted on leaves; one drawing on the verso of an album leaf (folio 16).
Loose drawing insterted in the album cataloged separately as 1998.1a.
While a pensionnaire at the French Academy in Rome from 1775 until 1780, David made studies of the city and its surrounding landscape, paintings in public and private collections, and antique statuary and objects from classical antiquity; he also made (or assembled) tracings of classical figures, sometimes enriching them with wash. He kept these studies stored in volumes and they served as a repository in his studio for the remainder of his life. After David's death, his descendants sorted the contents of the artist's large Roman albums into twelve smaller volumes (ten of which are known), each with an assortment of types of drawings. The present volume is such an album factice and contains a range of types of drawings made during David's period of study in Rome.
Inscribed on flyleaf in pen and brown ink, "No 8/Contenant vingt quatre feuillets sur lesquelles sont collés ou dessinés/quatre vingt trois Croquis dix neuf calques/Ce livre contenait originairement quatre vingt sept croquis mais c'est ̉tort/Si on avais porté ce nombre tandis qu'il n'en contenait réellement que quatre vingt six/cette erreur provient /de ce qu' on a compté pour deux dessins, deux lions dessinés sur/une seule feuille qui est collée au dixième feuillet./Il est observé que + c'est à tort si un dessin [a été] representant deux femmes assises a été paraphé-/deux fois, comme s'il serait deux dessins tandis qu'il n'a été compté que pour un seul./ce dessin est collé sur le 8e feuillet./A l'égard des calques ils se sont trouvé exactement". Signed with paraph of Louis and Eugène David. Variously inscribed throughout on album leaves and individual drawings.
Watermark: none.
David, Jules, former owner.
David, Eugène, former owner.
Jeanin, Baron, former owner.
Bayser, Bruno de, former owner.
Gilbert, S. Parker, donor.
Thaw, Eugene Victor, donor.