Accompanying the drawing are two inscriptions in the hand of Ruskin's cousin, Joan Ruskin Agnew Severn (Mrs. Arthur Severn): in pencil, "John Ruskin by himself / given by him to me J.R.S."; in pen, "Portrait of John Ruskin, by himself".
Severn, Joan, 1846-1924, former owner.
Severn, Violet, former owner.
Sharp, James Frederick, former owner.
Holmes, Martha, Mrs., former owner.
Pierpont Morgan Library. Review of Acquisitions, 1949-1968. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1969, p. 167.
Adams, Frederick B., Jr. Tenth Annual Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1960, p. 68-69.