Printed Books

The history of the children in the wood.

[London] : Printed and sold by J. Pittss [sic] 14 Great St. Andrew Street 7 Dials, [ca. 1802-1818].
PML 80122

The history of the children in the wood.

London : T. Goode, [n.d.]
PML 82919

The history of the children in the wood.

London : Whittington and Arliss, 1815.
PML 82443

The history of the Church of Englande / compiled by Venerable Bede, Englishman ; Translated out of Latin in to English by Thomas Stapleton, Student in Diuinite. You being sometimes straungers and enemies in vnderstanding &c. He hath now reconciled in the body of his fleshe through death &c. If yet ye continew grounded and stedfast in the Faith, and be not moued away from the hope of the ghospell, which ye haue heard, which hath ben preached amonge all creatures vnder heauen.

Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
Imprinted at Antwerp : By Iohn Laet, at the signe of the Rape; with Priuilege, Anno, 1565.
PML 7809

The history of the Church of Peterburgh : wherein the most remarkable things concerning that place, from the first foundation thereof, with other passages of history, not unworthy public view are represented / by Symon Gunton ... ; illustrated with sculptures ; and set forth by Symon Patrick.

Gunton, Simon, 1609-1676.
London : Printed for Richard Chiswell ..., 1686.
PML 3195

The history of the colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster : with the Charter-House, the schools of St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors, Harrow, and Rugby, and the free-school of Christ's Hospital.

Combe, William, 1742-1823.
London : Printed for and published by R. Ackermann..., 1816.
PML 75223

The history of the colony of Massachusets-bay ... / by Mr. Hutchinson ...

Hutchinson, Thomas, 1711-1780.
London and Boston : various printers, 1765-1828.
PML 11996-11999

The history of the colony of Nova-Caesaria, or New Jersey : containing, an account of its first settlement, progressive improvements, the original and present constitution, and other events, to the year 1721 ; with some particulars since ; and a short view of its present state / by Samuel Smith.

Smith, Samuel, 1720-1776.
Burlington, N.J. : James Parker ; Philadelphia : David Hall, 1765.
PML 15444

The history of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards ... Tr. into English from the original Spanish of Don Antonio de Solis ... by Thomas Townsend, esq. ... The whole translation rev. and corr. by Nathaniel Hooke, esq. ...

Solís, Antonio de, 1610-1686.
London : Printed for J. Osborn, 1738.
PML 197681-82

The history of the conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. : Done into English from the original Spanish of Don Antonio de Solis ... / By Thomas Townsend, esq.

Solís, Antonio de, 1610-1686.
London : Printed for T. Woodward [etc.] 1724.
PML 32260