Printed Books

The history of South America. : Containing the discoveries of Columbus, the conquest of Mexico and Peru, and the other transactions of the Spaniards in the New world. / By the Rev. Mr. Cooper. Embellished with copper-plate cuts.

Cooper, W. D.
London, Printed for E. Newbery, 1789.
PML 84695

The history of South America. Containing the discoveries of Columbus, the conquest of Mexico and Peru, and the other transactions of the Spaniards in the New world. By the Rev. Mr. Cooper. Embellished with copper-plate cuts.

Johnson, R. (Richard), 1733 or 4-1793.
London, Printed for E. Newbery, 1789.
PML 86888

The history of St. Paul's cathedral in London, from its foundation. Extracted out of original charters, records, leiger-books, and other manuscripts. Beautified with sundry prospects of the old fabrick, which was destroyed by the fire of that city, 1666. As also with the figures of the tombs and monuments therein, which were all defaced in the late rebellion. Whereunto is added, a continuation thereof, setting forth what was done in the structure of the new church, to the year 1685. Likewise, An historical account of the northern cathedrals, and chief collegiate churches in the province of York. By Sir William Dugdale knt ...

Dugdale, William, 1605-1686.
London, Printed by G. James, for J. Bowyer, 1716.
PML 11481

The history of St. Pauls cathedral in London, from its foundation untill these times: extracted out of originall charters. records. leiger books, and other manuscripts. Beautified with sundry prospects of the church, figures of tombes, and monuments. By William Dugdale.

Dugdale, William, 1605-1686.
London, Printed by T. Warren, 1658.
PML 11480

The history of Susan Gray : as related by a clergyman : designed for the benefit of young women when going to service, &c.

Sherwood, Mrs. (Mary Martha), 1775-1851.
Dublin : Printed by Robert Napper for Martin Keene ..., 1810.
PML 82983

The history of tabby a favorite cat as related by herself to her kitten.

Smyth, E.
London : Didier and Tebbett..., 1809 [i.e. 1811]
PML 84043

The history of that most victorious monarch Edward III.d king of England and France, and lord of Ireland : being a full and exact account of the life and death of the said king, together with that of his most renowned son Edward, prince of Wales and of Aquitain, sirnamed the Black prince / collected from the best and most antient authors, printed books, manuscripts and records ; by Joshua Barnes.

Barnes, Joshua, 1654-1712.
Cambridge : Printed by J. Hayes for the author, 1688.
PML 4242

The history of the abbey church of St. Peter's Westminster : its antiquities and monuments.

Combe, William, 1742-1823.
London : Printed for R. Ackermann ... by L. Harrison and J.C. Leigh, 373, Strand, 1812.
PML 146002-03

The history of the abbey church of St. Peter's, Westminster : its antiquities and monuments ...

Combe, William, 1742-1823.
London : Printed for R. Ackermann ... by L. Harrison and J.C. Leigh..., 1812.
PML 77293-94

The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews, and his friend Mr. Abraham Adams / abridged from the works of H. Fielding, esq.

Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754.
London : Printed for E. Newbery ..., 1784.
PML 85587