Literary and Historical Manuscripts

"Jesse, isn't that one of Mister Ferguson's wheels?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Booth, George, 1926-
MA 11663

"Joyeux Nöel, Nora! I've asked the carol singers in for a bite!" [drawing].

Hokinson, Helen E. (Helen Elna), 1893-1949.
MA 12699

"Just because you saw me walking, Madam, doesn't mean I haven't been jogging." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Ross, Al, 1911-2012.
MA 11725

"Just Harry's little joke." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Lorenz, Lee.
MA 12820

"Just when I'm beginning to lose faith in the economy, the market hits another all-time high." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Schoenbaum, Bernard.
MA 12032

"Keep up the good work, whatever it is, whoever you are" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Stevenson, James, 1929-2017.
MA 11649

"Kenny, I want you to hear this from me before you hear it from anyone at school: I'm an investment banker." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Maslin, Michael.
MA 11947

"Kids today don't care about anything but money - thank God." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Lorenz, Lee.
MA 12789

"Ladies, gentlemen and corporate sponsors of jury. . ." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Maslin, Michael.
MA 11951

"Last night I dreamt I was an anti-conceptualist, neo-realist, super-expressionistic performance artist. I woke up personally enriched" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Skalisky, Stephanie.
MA 11568