Literary and Historical Manuscripts

"It's sixteen hundred for August, including gas, electricity, maintenance, beach sticker, and old Mrs. Pennington up in the attic." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Booth, George, 1926-
MA 11667

"It's spring, sir. May I take your hat and coat?" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Maslin, Michael.
MA 11953

"It's Swedish without the melodrama." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Ffolkes, Michael
MA 12166

"It's the children, darling - back from camp" : cartoon for The New Yorker [print].

Addams, Charles, 1912-1988.
MA 12766

"It's the kind of bag you can dive into." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Hokinson, Helen E. (Helen Elna), 1893-1949.
MA 11602

"It's the old story. I flew too close to the sun and my wings melted." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Lorenz, Lee.
20th century.
MA 12634

"It's up to you now, Miller. The only thing that can save us is an accounting breakthrough." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Weber, Robert.
MA 12802

"It's very seductive - when it's lit, sir" : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Shermund, Barbara, 1899-1978.
MA 12134

"It's wonderful to meet you. I was reading your book just this morning under the drier." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Shermund, Barbara, 1899-1978.
MA 12615

"Its DNA is consistent with meat loaf." : cartoon for The New Yorker [drawing].

Cotham, Frank.
MA 12022