020. MS M.828, fol. 7v

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Zir Ganela Gospels

362 x 251 mm

Purchased on the Lewis Cass Ledyard Fund, 1948

MS M.828
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1) Christ: Nativity -- Under architectural setting of trefoil arches with cross-surmounted hanging lamp and two rosettes, Joseph the Carpenter, inscribed "Joseph, the old man" (Ge'ez), nimbed, right hand raised to face, seated on chair behind Virgin Mary nimbed, veiled, seated on mattress?, beside Salome standing, both hands extended toward the Virgin; to right, Christ Child wrapped in swaddling bands, on masonry manger with arched opening, flanked by ox and ass; inscription, "How Our Saviour was born and the ox and the ass warmed Him" (Ge'ez);
2) Shepherds: Journey -- Under arcade, three shepherds, each with rayed nimbus, striding toward left, accompanied by ram; inscription, "Shepherds of sheep, how they brought rams" (Ge'ez).