"The House of Judgment," from Poems in Prose
Autograph manuscript signed, ca. 1893. 6 p.
Gift of Lucia Moreira Salles, 2008
Page 3
And the Man answered made answer and said, "Even so did I."
And again God opened the Book of the Life of the Man, and saw what was written therein.
And God said to the Man, "Thy life hath been evil, as thou has't wrought lain with the seven sins. The walls of thy chamber were painted with images, and from the bed of thine abominations thou dids't rise up to the sound of flutes. Thou dids't raise build seven altars to the sins I have sufferred, and dids't eat of the things that may not be eaten. The cups of thy feast were full of red with the wine of sin, and in the dishes there was poisonous honey, and the purple of thy raiment was broidered with the three signs of shame. Thine idols were neither of gold nor of silver, which endure, but of flesh that dieth. Thou dids't stain their hair with perfumes, colours a[n]d put strange flowers into set pomegranates in their hands. Thou dids't stain their feet with perfumes, and set spread carpets before them. With antimony thou dids't stain their eyelids, and their bodies thou dids't smear with myrrh. Thou dids't bow thyself to the ground before them,