The Longest Day, Israel's Enemies Humiliated
Old Testament Miniatures with Latin, Persian, and Judeo-Persian inscriptions
Purchased by J.P. Morgan (1867–1943) in 1916
The Longest Day
Joshua and his army depart to defend the city of Gibeon, now under siege by the Amorite kings. Joshua is twice shown in this illustration; in the center, he rides through a city gate and spears an enemy king. Behind this group he appears again, imperiously commanding the sun and moon to remain motionless in the sky. As daylight is prolonged, the Israelites have ample time to revenge themselves upon their enemies. To the right, the other Amorite kings flee their attackers. (Joshua 10:6–13)
Israel's Enemies Humiliated
Joshua soon learns that his enemies are hiding in a cave at Makkedah. Israelite men drag the five kings from their hiding place, and, in obedience to Joshua, they trample on the kings' necks. Joshua, still holding his spear, encourages the men, reminding them that a similar fate awaits all those who oppose the Lord. (Joshua 10:15–25)
Folio 11r (Latin)
Upper half: How when Joshua’s fame had reached the king of Jerusalem, he, fearing greatly for himself and his kingdom, conspired with four other kings, and first of all attacks the city of Gibeon, since it had made a treaty with Joshua. But the people of Gibeon begged Joshua for help against these five kings and he, coming with a great army, defeated them in battle. Yet, fearing that night would come and prevent the victory, he ordered with great assurance the sun and the moon to stand still. Indeed, there has never been a day as long as that one, as God was obeying a human voice. (Joshua 10: 1–14)
Lower half: How when almost all the men of the king’s army had been killed and it had been told to Joshua that the five kings themselves were hiding in a cave, he had them dragged out and ordered the captains of Israel to trample on their necks with their feet. (Joshua 10: 17–24)
Folio 11r (Persian)
*Upper right margin: Wherever Joshua is written, Joshua the son of Nun is intended.
Upper right margin: And Joshua set out to conquer the other city. The king of that city, with four other kings, levied an army and war broke out on that day. A little while before the sunset, Joshua pointed to it [saying], "Stop!" The sun halted in place and the army of the enemy broke up, by the assistance of the Most High God, exalted be His glory. And it is said that that day was longer than any other.
When Joshua conquered that realm, those five kings who had aided each other took refuge in a cave. And Joshua ordered that they be drawn out and told his people to trample on their heads.
*This inscription in the upper right hand corner.
Folio 11r (Judeo-Persian)
Upper left margin: The tale of Joshua b. Nun’s war with Adoni-zedek [and] with other kings and [their] fleeing the war; Joshua’s praying for the sun to become bound; he defeats the five kings and they flee to a cave.
Lower left margin: Joshua’s bringing out of the cave of the five kings and his commanding the Children of Israel that they should trample those kings.
Italicized words are in Hebrew.
Content consultant: Richard Leson
Persian translated by Sussan Babaie
Judeo-Persian translated by Vera Basch Moreen
Latin translation by Eran Lupu
After the commentary volume accompanying the Fine Art Facsimile edition by Faksimile Verlag Luzern