Incunable Collection

Dit bok het Lucidarius.

Lubek : va[n] Matheus brandis, Anno d[o]m[ini]. M.cccc.lxxxv [1485].
PML 33631

Dit is die prologhe va[n] den spieghel onser behoudenisse.

In die goede stede van Culenburch : by my Johan Veldener, M.CCCC. ende lxxxiij. des saterdaghes post mathei apostoli [27 September 1483].
PML 657

Dit is die tafel vanden navolghende[n] boeck des gulden throens ...

Otto, von Passau.
In dis stat van Utrecht : [Printer with the Monogram, t. G.], .M.CCCC. ende lxxx ... den xxxsten dach in die meert [30 March 1480]
PML 77100

Diues [and] pauper.

Parker, Henry, -1470.
At Westmonstre : emprentyed by me Wyken de worde, iij daye of Decembere ... .M.CCCC.lxxxxvi [3 December 1496].
PML 734

Diues [and] paup[er].

Parker, Henry, -1470.
London : emprentyd by me Richard Pynson, the v. day of Juyl ... M.CCCC.lxxxxiii [5 July 1493].
PML 752

Diuus Plato.

Impressum Venetiis : Per Bernardinu[m] de Choris de Cremona [et] Simone[m] de luero, impe[n]sis Andree Toresani de Asula, 13 Augusti 1491.
PML 24645

Divo Guilielmo marchioni Montisferrati: militiae supremo dvci: Sacri Romani Imperii principi vicarioqve perpetvo. Martinvs Pavlvs Nidobeatvs Novariensis P.F.D.

Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321.
Milan : Ludovicus and Albertus Pedemontanus, for Guido Terzagus, [1477-1478].
PML 47271

Do livro de vita [christ]i.

Ludolf, von Sachsen, approximately 1300-1377 or 1378.
Empresso em a muy nobre çidade de Lixboa : per Nicolao de Saxonia et Valentyno de Moravia, [1495].
PML 48843-46

Doceri petisti a nobis de modo et cura rei familiaris utilius gubernande.

Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153.
[Rome] : [Georgius Lauer], [about 1470]
PML 79874

Doctrinale (Partes I-IV).

Alexander, de Villa Dei.
[The Netherlands] : [Prototypography], [approximately 1465-1480]
PML 2988