Cylinder seal

God with plow, enthroned, receiving goddess leading worshiper

between ca. 2149 and 2113
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 253

Worshiper carrying kid and led by goddess toward sun god with rays whose foot is placed on mountain

between ca. 2149 and 2113 B.C.
lapis lazuli
Morgan Seal 254

Worshiper led by goddess(?) toward enthroned goddess(?) with star in sky before her

between ca. 2149 and 2113 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 255

Eagle above undulating crosshatched line

between 2139 and 2113 B.C.
greenish-black serpentine
Morgan Seal 266

Eagle grasping man seated on ground and kneeling centaur

between 2139 and 2113 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 264

Enthroned female figure receiving three female figures

between ca. 2139 and 2113 B.C.
Morgan Seal 258

God enthroned on platform flanked by two nude bearded heros

between 2139 and 2113 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 261

Long-haired nude hero on one knee before goats flanking crossed lions

between 2139 and 2113 B.C.
Morgan Seal 262

Woman(?) and man following goat with bird(?) and fish above it

between 2139 and 2113 B.C.
lapis lazuli
Morgan Seal 263

Women with clasped hands before enthroned female figure

between ca. 2139 and 2113 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 257