Cylinder seal

Sun god, worshipper holding strainer over tall vessel before goddess holding infant in her lap

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 239

Three gods approaching sun god with rays; fourth god with clasped hands behind throne

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 193

Three minor gods and enthroned water god with flowing vase

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 206

Three minor gods approaching enthroned sun god with rays

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 194

Three worshipers approaching snake-god

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 219

Two figures and seated female figure with winged gate resting on back of kneeling bull

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
Morgan Seal 233

Two gods, one holding cord of gate resting on back of kneeling bull

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 229

Two gods, one holding cord of gate resting on back of kneeling bull

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
Morgan Seal 230

Two seated deities drinking through tubes from vessel between them

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
black serpentine
Morgan Seal 248

Vegetation deity with stalk of grain, minor god, and worshipers

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
Morgan Seal 210