Binding Collection

Orlando furioso / di M. Lodovico Ariosto.

Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533.
In Venetia : Appresso Francesco de Franceschi ... , [1584]
PML 75105

Orlando furioso / di M. Lodovico Ariosto.

Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533.
In Venetia : Appresso Francesco de Franceschi ... , [1584]
PML 78401

Orlando furioso / di messer Lodouico Ariosto : et di piu aggiuntoui in fine piu di cinquecento stanze del medesimo auttore, non piu vedute.

Ariosto, Lodovico, 1474-1533.
In Vinegia : In casa de' figliuoli di Aldo, nell'anno M.D.XLV. [1545]
PML 1161


Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 1522-1605?
Bononiae : , 1599.
PML 52386-89

Orontii Finei delphin. regii mathematicarum professoris Aritmetica practica: libris quattuor absoluta, omnibus qui mathematicas ipsas tractare volunt perutilis, admodúmque necessaria: ex nouissima authoris recognitione, amplior, ac emendatior facta.

Fine, Oronce, 1494-1555.
Parisiis : Ex officina Simonis Colinaei, 1542.
PML 1819

Orthographiae ratio / ab Aldo Manvtio Pavlli F. collecta ...

Manuzio, Aldo, 1547-1597.
Venetiis : Apud Aldum, 1591.
PML 1458

Ouranologia : being an ephemeris of the motion of the celestial bodies for the year of Our Lord 1705 ... wherein are contained the motions of the planets, aspects, conjunctions, &c., the full, change, and quarters of the moon : with observations on the months and four quarters of the year : with several tables and other things fitting such a work : reduced to the meridian of London, but generally useful for England, Scotland, and Ireland / by Tho. Cole.

Cole, Thomas, -1720.
London : Printed by D.M. for the Company of Stationers, 1695.
PML 1826.8

P. Vellei Paterculi Historiae Romanae duo volumina / ad M. Vinicium cos. progenerum Tiberii Caesaris, per Beatum Rhenanum Selesta diensem ab interitu vtcunque vindicata.

Velleius Paterculus, approximately 19 B.C.-approximately 30 A.D.
Basileæ : In ædibus Ioannis Frobenii ; 1520
PML 15422

P. Virgilii Maronis bucolicorum liber vnvs, in decem aeglogas diuisus.

Parisiis : Ex officina Michaëlis Vascosani, in uia quae est ad diuum Iacobum, sub Fontis insigni, M. D. X L I I I [1543].
PML 15440.1

P. Virgilii Maronis opera / varietate lectionis et perpetua adnotatione illustrata, a Chr. Gottl. Heyne ... Accedit index uberrimus.

Londini : Typis T. Rickaby ; impensis T. Payne ; B. et J. White ; R. Faulder ; et J. Edwards, 1793.
PML 26054