A counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1513. cf. Brit. Mus. Cat. Title vignette is imitation of the Aldine device.
Imprint from Renouard; Adams supplies possible date of ca. 1540. VD 16 dates as ca. 1545.
Edited by Aldo Pio Manuzio.
Includes Aldo's dedication to Lucrezia Borgia on leaves a₁v-a₃r, and his 33-verse epitaph for Ercole Strozzi (murdered in the streets of Ferrara in June 1508, within days of his marriage to Barbara Torelli, young widow of Ercole Bentivoglio) on recto and verso of leaf 101.
"Oratio tvmvltvario habita a Coelio Calcagnino in fvnere Hercvlis Strozae": leaves 255-259.
Woodcuts: dolphin and anchor title vignette is imitation of the Aldine device.
Printed in italic type; spaces left for capitals, with guide letters.
Signatures: a-z⁸ A-K⁸ L⁴.
Marginal notes throughout the volumes.