"Met privileg der Kay: Mayt: des Könings in Franckreich und der Ed: M Herrn Staten general der vereinigten Niederlanden. Amsterdam bei Hendrick Laurenss Buchfuchrer zu finden."
The engravings after Jacques de Gheyn II were produced in his workshop with the participation of Robert de Baudous and others. See Hollstein.
Originally published at The Hague, 1607, in Dutch, English and German eds. The present German ed. is Hollstein 3e.
Engraved title page (Hollstein version b). The arms at the head are those of Joachim Ernst, Margrave of Brandenburg, to whom the work is dedicated on leaf [2]r, in place the arms of Prince Maurits as shown in Hollstein. The 117 full-page engraved plates are arranged in three numbered sequences, devoted to the manual of arms for firelock, musket and pike respectively. Explanatory letterpress text precedes each sequence.
Library's copy imperfect: several of the plates comprising the three series are lacking.
Waffenhandlvng von der Rören, Mvsqvetten, vndt Spiessen