The Isle of Pines. Or A late discovery of a fourth island, in Terra Australis Incognita. : Being a true relation of certain English persons, who, in the days of Q. Elizabeth, making a voyage to the East India, were cast away, and wrecked upon that island, and all drowned, except one man and four women, whereof one was a Negro. : And now lately, A.D. 1667, a Dutch ship driven by foul weather there, by chance have found their posterity, speaking good English, to amount to 10 or 12,000 persons, as they suppose. : The whole relation follows, written by the man himself a little before his death, and declared to the Dutch by his grandchild. / (By Henry Neville).

Accession number: 
PML 2100.3
Neville, Henry, 1620-1694.
London : Printed MDCLXVIII, reprinted for T. Cadell, 1768.
19, [1] p. ; 18 cm.

Edited by Thomas Hollis.
Pages [2] and [20] are blank.
Bdg.: red mor., Hollis binding.

Variant Title: 

Isle of Pines
