Petri Martyris ab Angleria Mediolanen. oratoris clarissimi, Fernandi & Helisabeth Hispaniarum quondam regum à consilijs, De rebus oceanicis & Orbe nouo decades tres : quibus quicquid de inuentis nuper terris traditum, nouarum rerum cupidum lectorem retin

Accession number: 
PML 44098
Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526.
Basileae : Apud Ioannem Bebelium, 1533.
Gift of the Fellows, 1952.
[12], 92 leaves ; 34 cm

Leaves 1-68a contain decades I-III of "De Orbe Novo"; leaves 68b-75b, decade IV, here printed under the title "De insulis nuper inventis"; leaves 76a-92a, "Legationis Babylonicae."
"This work contains only the first Three Decades, reprinted from the Alcala edition of 1516, and an abridgment of the Fourth. The 'De Insulis nuper inventis' is not divided into chapters."--Church cat., v. 1, p. 153.
Title concludes: Eiusdem praeterea legationis Babylonicae libri tres : ubi praeter oratorii muneris pulcherrimum exemplum, etiam quicquid in uariarum gentium moribus & institutis insigniter pr[a]eclarum uidit, que[m]q[ue] terra mariq[ue] acciderunt, omnia lectu mirè iucunda, genere dicendi politissimo traduntur.

16th-century French (Paris) brown calf, gold tooled with interlace and foliate pattern and painted in white, black, blue, red, and green, by the Grolier Cuspinianus Binder for Thomas Maioli, with gold-tooled inscriptions: title in central cartouche and "To. Maiolii et amicorum" at bottom of front cover (tooled on back cover but abraded, likely a binding mistake) and motto: "Ingratis servire nephas" in central cartouche on rear board. Flat back with lattice work; center cartouche of brown morocco inlay. Gilt edges. 4 silk ties, missing.
Variant Title: 

De rebus oceanicis & Obre nouo decades tres

Thomas Mahieu, binding; unidentified inventory number or shelfmark: 446 (rear pastedown); Charles Spencer (1674-1722), 3rd Earl of Sunderland, shelfmark: U 4: 17 (front pastedown), through inheritance to: John Winston Spencer-Churchill (1822-1883), 7th Duke of Marlborough, shelfmark: 77 H. 16 (front pastedown), Bibliotheca Sunderlandia sale: Puttick & Simpson, part IV, 6 Nov. 1882, lot 8176; Sir Thomas Brooke, FSA, Armitage Bridge, armorial bookplate (front pastedown), his sale, Sotheby's, 24 Nov. 1913, lot 370; Edouard Rahir, booklabel (front pastedown), sale I, Paris, 7 May 1930, lot 10; James Comly McCoy, inscription: "R.P.O.B. May 1930" (front pastedown); Pierpont Morgan Library, gift of the Fellows, 1952.